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List command

Displays a list of packages from a given source. If no sources are specified, all sources defined in the global configuration file, %AppData%\.dpm\dpm.config are used. If dpm.config specifies no sources, then list uses the default feed (tbd).


dpm list [search terms] [options]

where the optional search terms will filter the displayed list. Search terms are applied to the names of packages (folder), tags and package descriptions (HTTP feeds).


allVersionsList all versions of a package. By default, only the latest package version is displayed.
configFileThe dpm configuration file to apply. If not specified, %AppData%\.dpm\dpm.Config is used.
compilerCompiler version. When not specified, all compiler versions found are listed.
exactSearch for an exact packageId match.
helpDisplays help information for the command.
includeDelistedDisplay unlisted packages.
preReleaseIncludes prerelease packages in the list.
sourceSpecifies a sources to search, option may be specified multiple times to add extra sources, if ommitted all registered sources are searched.
skipSkip over x results before listing.
takeTake max x results.
VerbositySpecifies the amount of detail displayed in the output: normal, quiet, detailed.


dpm list "commandline"

dpm list "semantic" -prerelease -skip=10 -take=10'

dpm list "commandline" -compiler=10.2 -platforms=Win32,Win63,OSX32 -source=VSoftInternal -prerelease