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Pack command

Creates a DPM package based on the specified .dspec.


dpm pack <.dspec file> [options]


basePathSets the base path of the files defined in the .dspec file.
excludeEmptyDirectoriesPrevents inclusion of empty directories when building the package.
configFileSpecify the configuration file for the pack command.
helpDisplays help information for the command.
minClientVersionSet the minClientVersion attribute for the created package. This value will override the value of the existing minClientVersion attribute (if any) in the .dspec file.
outputFolderSpecifies the folder in which the created package is stored. If no folder is specified, the current folder is used.
propertiesProvides the ability to specify a semicolon ";" delimited list of properties (name=value) when creating a package.
verbositySpecifies the amount of detail displayed in the output: normal, quiet, detailed.
versionOverrides the version number from the .dspec file.


dpm pack

dpm pack foo.dspec

dpm pack foo.dspec -Properties Configuration=Release

dpm pack foo.dspec -Version 2.1.0